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Shrimp balls

100 g shrimp heads
100 g olive oil (0.4)
40g Maltodex
0.5 grams of salt
Blend the shrimp in a blender until a paste is formed. Put some shrimp paste on baking paper, cover with cling film and spread thinly with the rolling pin. Remove the foil and bake at 130 °C until completely dry. Allow to cool and grind into a fine powder in a blender. Mix the oil with the powder and heat to 50 °C and let stand for 1 hour. Strain the oil through a strainer bag. Gradually add the oil to the Maltodex, stirring constantly with a hand whisk, until fluffy balls form. Season with salt.
Place the shrimp balls in a hot pan. The balls take on an even rounder shape when heated.
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